Convention Center
With a total area of 110 thousand square meters and located alongside Rodovia Amaral Peixoto (RJ-106), Jornalista Roberto Marinho Convention Center (Macaé Centro) is the third largest convention center in Rio de Janeiro state. It has a parking lot for 2 thousand vehicles, 2 exhibition halls, auditoriums, press room, food court and an own sewage treatment plant.
Every two years, Macaé Centro hosts the third largest offshore fair of the world, Brasil Offshore - International Oil and Gas Industry Fair and Conference. The event is held in Macaé because the city is the operating base and responsible for more than 80% of Brazil offshore exploration. In 2013, there were more than 51,000 visitors and 700 exhibitors, which 155 were foreigners.
Macaé Centro also hosts Protection Offshore, the main event on Prevention, HSE, Risk Management, Emergency Response and Asset Integrity of Offshore Sector, besides many national and international events.